Hayk Babukhanyan: "ANC Is Disgracing Itself Little By Little"


14.08.2009, 18:14

Today on the press conference Hayk Babukhanyan, the leader of
Constitutional Rights Union, presented his previsions about the
political fall of Armenia. According to the speaker changes are
expected to take place both in the political field and in governmental

"The Armenian National Congress (ANC) is disgracing itself little
by little. The forces that are at the rudder of the government have
serious problems to prove that they can lead the country by the
correct way. I don’t see it yet as the government created by them is
a disgrace, government of the "enabled". The forces that are neither
"here" nor "there" will become active and will have a bigger role
soon", – said H. Babukhanyan.

Coming up to the possible changes in the governmental bodies Hayk
Babukhanyan mentioned that very serious changes are expected in the
government, up to the change of the prime minister.

"I feel the necessity of staff change and call the president for
realizing those changes. And the prime minister firstly", – said
H. Babukhanyan.

According to CRU leader, the rating of the prime minister of Armenia
is too low and he has to lead the country by begging and persuading
and not by changing the lows or using new administrative mechanisms.

"You can’t save the economy by reading lectures, or begging", –
said H. Babukhanyan adding that the acting government is not only
unable to find ways for pulling out the country from the global
financial crises but also there are people who have taken posts of
some Ministers whose names are even unknown for the public.

"Before the ministers were the people who were famous in this or
another way, now there are ministers whose names are not remembered,
the people don’t even know them", – mentioned the politician.

The speaker however didn’t answer the question of the journalists,
from where was the information about the possible staff changes,
instead he said that his "long time experience prompts him".