Erdohan Open On Minorities, Makes First Visit To Disputed Patriarcha

By Nat Da Polis
08/20/2009 18:38

Prime minister makes surprise visit to Bartholomew I and Buyukada
Island, home to buildings owned by the Patriarchate, seized by the
Turkish government, but recognised as Orthodox Church property by
the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. The Turkish prime
minister continues on his path as a Janus-faced leader, in favour of
democracy and minority rights on the one hand and playing the Turkish
nationalist card on the other.

Istanbul (AsiaNews) – An important event took place on 15 August,
feast day of the Dormition (Assumption) of Mary. For the first time a
Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoðan, visited the orphanage
and monastery of Ayia Yorgi (Saint George) of Kudunas on Buyukada
(Prince or Foremost) Island in the Sea of Marmara.

Although each April Muslims come on pilgrimage to the reputedly
‘miraculous’ monastery, the importance of Erdoðan’s visit lies in
a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg which
in June 2008 attributed ownership of the disputed property to the
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.

On his arrival Erdoðan and four of his cabinet ministers was met
by Patriarch Bartholomew I who welcomed them. The prime minister’s
visit, the first one ever by a Turkish head of government to either
building, is seen by many as an implicit recognition of the status
of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.

Just before the meeting with Bartholomew, Erdoðan had lunch with
representatives of Turkey’s religious minorities (Greek, Armenian,
Jewish, Assyrian Orthodox and Catholic), invited by the administration
that run the Princes’ Islands, a group of islands inhabited in the
past by non-Muslims.

The prime minister told the minority leaders that he hoped that his
presence "could help find a solution to the difficult issues that
minorities face in the country since the principles of our party,
the AKP, are against every form of discrimination, be it regional,
religious or ethnic."

"In our country there should be no differences between the various
ethnic groups like the Kurds, Laz, Circassians, or Georgians," he said,
adding that "as a secular state Turkey does have some shortcomings
but it also has the capacity to overcome these shortcomings. And we
shall do all we can to fulfill the tasks we have undertaken."

In an ecumenical spirit, Erdoðan cited what could be considered the
essence of the Mevlevi Order1 namely that "my neighbour must be met
with love because he too was created by God."

In ending his address Erdoðan cited a Persian saying: "They gathered,
talked and dispersed.’ We should not be of those who gather, talk
and disperse. A result should come out of this."

"He gave us a lot of hope and so we are optimistic," Patriarch
Bartholomew I told AsiaNews when asked to comment Erdoðan’s visit
and words. "Let us hope that with the help of Our Lady everything
works out in the end. His [Erdoðan’s] presence honoured us and gave
us an opportunity to directly voice our concerns even if he already
knows them."

Lastly, "We invited the prime minister to come to the seat of the
Ecumenical Patriarchate and to Halki," the patriarch said. "He thanked
us for that."

In covering the visit Turkish newspapers described the prime
minister’s move as the second initiative taken by his party to further

In Istanbul’s diplomatic circles the gesture is seen as important,
as something of great significance, but it must be viewed in light
of Erdoðan’s Janus-faced reputation2.

For instance, by December of this year, the prime minister must
report on Turkey’s progress in meeting demands for European Union
membership. He will have very little to show though, for little
has been achieved since the 2007 parliamentary elections, which
is a great disappointment since his party successfully used the EU
membership in its campaign against Turkey’s Kemalist establishment,
centred on the military, currently paralysed by the Ergenekon affair3.

This said, diplomatic sources have also noted Erdoðan’s other face,
one, which "with ill-concealed nostalgia, hints at the rebirth of the
Ottoman Empire thanks to the new trans-Caucasian pipelines backed by
Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin, with Turkey as hub, now even willing
to acknowledge (on its own terms) the Armenian genocide.

The election of a nationalist AKP leader, Mehmet Ali Þahin, as speaker
of the Turkish parliament in replacement of the more progressive
Koksal Toptan is another sign of this two-faced policy.

Minority leaders have reacted to Ergogan’s visit to Buyukada Island
with cautious optimism. "Time will tell," said Father Dositheos,
an Orthodox priest.

Devlet Bahceli, head of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), instead
reacted angrily to the visit, telling the prime minister that the
European Union really wants to destroy Turkish identity and undermine
the integrity of the Turkish state.

The opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) also said that by
seeking international legitimacy Erdoðan is trying to shield himself
from problems within his party.

(Photos by Nikos Manginas) 1 A Shia confraternity founded in the 13th
century in ancient Iconium, where the Christian presence was strong,
and influenced the Mevlevi Order and the Alevi.

2 The god Janus is known for his two faces, hence terms like two-faced,
Janus, Janus-faced. Erdoðan has been dubbed Janus-faced because of
contradictions in his politics.

3 Ergenekon is the name of an underground nationalist organisation
accused of terrorism with close ties to the Turkish military. Last
year some prominent individuals were charged with encouraging attacks
and stirring up popular unrest in order to promote a coup.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS