Azeris are poorer than they seem to be

Azeris are poorer than they seem to be
15:46 / 08/22/2009

Azerbaijani Government stated the poverty rate in Azerbaijan is 13.2%,
declining only by 2.6%, which apparently does not correspond to
According to the experts, discrepancy is caused by minimum subsistence
consumer basket miscalculation. Under the Azerbaijani Economic
Research Center data, minimum subsistence basket totals 119 manat,
which for 41% exceeds consumer basket adopted by Azerbaijani
Government in 2008 (84 manat).
In particular, minimal basket for social unsecured people is 131 manat
and 83 qapik, for pensioners – 100 manat and 63 qapik; for children –
124 manat and 54 qapik.