Azerbaijan Will Apply Baltic Experience And Demand Armenia’s Compens


Aug 24 2009

"Handing over the regions surrounding Nagorno-Karabakh under
Azerbaijan’s jurisdiction will make implementation of the Baltic model,
which is now used with regard to Russia, this time with regard to
Armenia, inevitable," expert on regional development of Baltic Sergey
Artyomenko said commenting on political prospects of resolution of
the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict by making use of European experience
realized in the post Soviet area.

Azerbaijan’s already shaped political positions unambiguously
stipulates that Karabakh and surrounding regions have been occupied
by Armenia, he said.

Therefore, with a very high degree of assurance I can say that once
occupied areas around Karabakh would be in the hands of Azerbaijan and
new authorities will begin develop them, financing of this development
will be the first. While these areas are under Armenian control,
Azerbaijan intends to involve money of the European Union, but as
soon as they fall into the hands of Baku, there will be immediately
raised the question of "compensation of damage" caused in those areas
according to Baku, he said.

It is no accidental that Baltic authorities, authorities of Lithuania,
Latvia and Estonia are so active in contacts with Azerbaijan. They
have something to share with colleagues: for example, experience of
requiring "indemnity for occupation" from Russia, with which they
were made it almost as soon as they received their independence from
Moscow itself. Therefore, nothing prevents Azerbaijan’s use of Baltic
experience in regard to Armenia, to begin to calculate the damage and
require "indemnity for the occupation" of these areas and Karabakh
itself, where it will have a free hand, the expert said.