NKR: 18th Anniversary Of The Nagorno Karabakh Republic


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
2009-09-03 15:28
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic

The Nagorno Karabakh Republic has celebrated its18th anniversary.

NKR and RA official delegations, headed by Presidents Bako Sahakian
and Serge Sargsian, visited the Stepanakert Memorial Complex to put
wreaths and flowers on the Eternal Flame pedestal and the monuments
to the Karabakh war deceased soldiers.

Columns of soldiers marched over the streets of the Republic’s
capital and regional centers. A reception party took place at
the NKR President, with the participation of official and public
representatives and guests. In a ceremonial atmosphere, the President
awarded some servicemen of the NKR Defense Army, war participants,
and prominent specialists with state awards.

The first lesson at the NKR educational establishments was dedicated
to the Independence Day. Members of the NKR Security Council and
Government, NA Deputies, the Karabakh Movement activists, and war
veterans attended them.

Concerts, sport events, and street festivities took place all over
the Republic. The festive events were followed by fireworks in the
central Revival Square of Stepanakert.

"On September 2, 1991, the Armenians of Artsakh opened a new page
in the ancient history of our people, taking firmly a hard and
honorable way of building a free and independent, sovereign and
democratic state. From the very first da y of its formation, our
Republic had to resolve knotty tasks, first of all, to defend the
country’s independence and ensure its citizens’ security. Together
with Armenia and the Diaspora, Artsakh could honorably fulfill
this mission, preserving its state independence and consolidating
its security still more. This was possible thanks to the collective
power and unity of the Armenian people", noted in his congratulatory
message to the Artsakh people NKR President Bako Sahakian.

RA and NKR ex-Presidents Robert Kocharian and Arkady Ghukasian,
public representatives from Armenia and other countries took part in
the festive events dedicated to the 18th anniversary of the Nagorno
Karabakh Republic.