NK Celebrates Independence Anniversary, US Reps Congratulate

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September 4, 2009

Members of U.S. Congress Congratulate

Washington, DC – On September 2, 2009 the people of the Nagorno
Karabakh Republic, Artsakh marked the 18th anniversary of NKR
Independence. In 1991, after over 70 years of discrimination and
oppression, the people of Artsakh boldly and fearlessly stepped up
their struggle for freedom and democracy, shaking off the shackles
of subjugation.

The decision to establish a sovereign republic came as a
continuation of the national liberation movement that began
immediately after Joseph Stalin’s infamous and arbitrary decision to
include Nagorno Karabakh within Soviet Azerbaijan in 1921. The
establishment of the NKR formalized on September 2, 1991 at a joint
session of local legislatures – Nagorno Karabakh Regional and
Shahumian District Councils of Peoples Deputies. The final document
said, in part:

`Expressing the popular will supported by a documented referendum …
striving for freedom, independence, equality and good neighborly
relations … recognizing Azerbaijan’s policies of apartheid and
discrimination [against its] Armenian population … striving for
restoration of good neighborly relations between Armenian and
Azerbaijani peoples … abiding by the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights … and trusting in the understanding and support of the
international community … declares [the establishment of] the
Nagorno Karabakh Republic.’ (Full text of the document appears

Throughout the last 18 years, NKR has scored numerous successes,
defended against Azerbaijani aggression its basic right to live
free, under the government of own choosing. The republic has been
consistently developing as a democratic and social state with
effective government and strong civil society.

In his September 2 address, the republic’s President Bako Sahakyan
stressed: `Today our republic shows a stable economic growth; the
living standards of the population are rising too. The democratic
system in our state meets all the international norms. Artsakh is an
inseparable factor of the regional stability in the South Caucasus.
We are convinced that international recognition of the sovereign
Nagorno Karabakh Republic is a matter of time. Undoubtedly, the
independence of Artsakh and the security of our compatriots are the
values not subjects to any speculations.’

The Co-Chairs of the U.S. Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues
Congressmen Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) and Mark S. Kirk (R-IL) joined
the people of Artsakh on this anniversary. In a letter addressed to
the NKR President, the two Co-Chairmen reiterated their steadfast
support to the independent and prosperous Artsakh. The U.S.
Congressmen, in particular, mentioned in their letter: `We are
writing to congratulate the people of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic,
Artsakh and you on your 18th Anniversary of Independence. This
historic day represents another important milestone in Nagorno
Karabakh’s path to freedom. On September 2, 1991 the people of
Artsakh declared their intention to build a free and democratic
state, and they have been steadfast in this mission. For the past 18
years, the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, Artsakh has firmly upheld the
universal values of freedom, peace and democracy’, the Congressmen
stated in their letter, concluding that they `look forward to the
day when the flag of an independent Artsakh proudly flies in
capitals all over the world’.

NKR Representative to U.S. Robert Avetisyan expressed gratitude to
Rep. Kirk and Rep. Pallone for their ongoing critical support of

`During the last 18 years, NKR proved its viability as an
independent state. We are grateful to our American friends for their
ongoing support of Artsakh. The NKR people and authorities remain
strong in their commitment to continue developing as a democratic
and prosperous state, and a predictable member of the international
community.’ Avetisyan said.

The Office of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic in the United States is
based in Washington, DC and works with the U.S. government, academia
and the public representing the official policies and interests of
the Nagorno Karabakh Republic.

* * *

Full text of the Co-chairs’ letter:

September 2, 2009

H.E. Bako Sahakyan
President of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic
20th February Street, 3
Stepanakert, NKR

Dear President Sahakyan:

We are writing to congratulate the people of the Nagorno Karabakh
Republic, Artsakh and you on your 18th Anniversary of Independence.
This historic day represents another important milestone in Nagorno
Karabakh’s path to freedom. On September 2, 1991 the people of
Artsakh declared their intention to build a free and democratic
state, and they have been steadfast in this mission.

Nagorno Karabakh Republic, Artsakh has successfully promoted
democracy and the right to self-determination. Your continued
efforts to advance theses principals in the face of many challenges
are admirable. We remain committed to supporting the restoration of
Artsakh’s war-torn economy, strengthening its democracy and creating
a solid foundation for continued development and prosperity.

For the past 18 years, the Nagorno Karabakh Republic, Artsakh has
firmly upheld the universal values of freedom, peace and democracy.
We appreciate your ongoing contribution to regional stability and
assure you of our continued dedication to Artsakh’s security and

We have stood with you along your path to liberty and we continue to
join you in the call for formal international recognition of your
independence. We look forward to the day when we can join you in
celebration of the flag of an independent Artsakh proudly flying in
capitals all over the world


/signed/ /signed/
Frank Pallone, Jr Mark S. Kirk .
Member of Congress Member of Congress

* * *

Full text of the September 2, 1991 Declaration:


(Adopted at a joint session of legislative bodies)

With the participation of delegates from all levels of councils in a
joint session of peoples’ deputies of the Nagomo Karabakh (NK)
regional and Shahumian district councils, by the expression of the
popular will supported by a documented referendum, and by the
decision taken by the authorities of the NK autonomous region and
the Shahumian district between 1988-91 concerning its freedom,
independence, equal rights, and neighborly relations;

Noting specifically the Azerbaijani Republic’s declaration of
restoring its national independence according to its 1918-20

Recognizing that Azerbaijan’s policies of apartheid and
discrimination have created an atmosphere of hatred and intolerance
toward the Republic’s Armenian population, and led to armed clashes,
casualties, and the deportation of Armenian civilians from peaceful

Establishing itself on the basis of the current constitution and the
laws of the Union of the Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), which,
upon the secession of a union republic from the USSR, allow the
peoples of autonomous formations and coexisting ethnic groups the
right to self-determination of its national-legal status;

Noting that the territory of the Shahumian district was forcibly
detached from Nagorno Karabakh, and recognizing the intentions of
the Armenian population to reunify as commensurate with the norms of
natural and international law;

Intending that neighborly relations between the peoples of Armenia
and Azerbaijan be restored based on mutual respect for each other’s

Taking into consideration both the complexity and controversial
nature of the situation in the country, the future of the [Soviet]
Union, and the uncertain future of the [Soviet] Union structures of
ruling authority and government;

Respecting and abiding by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights,
the principles of the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights, and trusting in the understanding and support of the
international community;


The Nagorno Karabakh Republic within the current boundaries of the
NK autonomous region and the adjacent Shahumian district, the NKR

The Nagorno Karabakh Republic, basing itself on the authority given
to republics by the constitution and legislation of the USSR,
reserves the right to decide independently its legal status as a
state on the basis of political consultations and negotiations with
the leadership of other countries and republics.

Prior to the acceptance of the constitution and laws of the NKR, the
constitution and legislation of the USSR, as well as other existing
laws shall be in effect on the territory of the NKR unless they
contradict the purposes and principles of this declaration and the
specific nature of the republic.

/Signed by delegates of all levels participating in the joint
session of the NK regional and Shahumian district council’s peoples

September 2, 1991

* * *

This material is distributed by the Office of the Nagorno Karabakh
Republic in the USA on behalf of the Government of the Nagorno
Karabakh Republic. The NKR Office is registered with the U.S.
Government under the Foreign Agent Registration Act. Additional
information is available at the Department of Justice, Washington,
