OSCE Fact-Finding Mission To Seven Regions Under Control Of NKRDefen


STEPANAKERT, FEBRUARY 7. ARMINFO. OSCE mission on ascertaining the
facts of settlement of the 7 regions under control of NKR Defense
Army has completed its work.

According to ARMINfo’s special correspondent to Stepanakert, the
experts of the group examined the above territories and interrogated
the residents to ascertain how much assertions of Azerbaijan about
mass settlement of these territories by Armenian people are proved.

On February 6, OSCE monitoring group met the residents of Stepanakert
and Shushi deported from Azerbaijan. To remind, Emili Margaret Haber,
Director of the OSCE German Department, heads the expert group. The
group consists of experts of Finland, Italy, Sweden and Germany.

OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs were also in the region. Steven Mann
returned to Washington on the third day of the monitoring.

Emili Margaret Haber said the monitoring was of technical nature.
OSCE Misnk Group will make the political assessment of the situation on
the basis of the report of the group. In his turn, NKR Foreign Minister
Arman Melikyan expressed hope that the mission would be satisfied
with the result of its work. He said that the contribution to the
mission made by the local authorities <is a display of good will with
respect to the peaceful efforts of the international community>. The
minister called the level of cooperation of the NKR authorities and
the monitoring group satisfactory and allowing a solution to all the
issues. A report for the OSCE Minsk Group will be prepared as a result
of monitoring within 1-2 months.