Bryza: Bradtke Is Experienced Diplomat


Information-Analytic Agency
Sept 10 2009

14:00 / 09/10/2009Former OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair Matthew Bryza
commented on Robert Bradtke’s appointment upon request.

"Ambassador Bradtke is a wise and experienced diplomat, as well as
a personal friend of mine. I have every confidence he will pursue
with his characteristic professionalism and skill, and wish him every
possible success," Bryza said.

"It is important for all our friends in the South Caucasus that the
momentum in the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process be sustained and lead to
a framework for a final peace agreement as soon as possible. Ambassador
Bradtke is well prepared to do so," he underlined.

Bryza thanked for the full publication of his speech delivered
at EUROFORUM in Tsakhkadzor and added: "As for me, I am still enjoying
my vacation, and hope to resume my diplomatic work in a few weeks. I
hope to focus much of my work during the rest of my career on the
South Caucasus."

Bradtke entered U.S. diplomacy in 1973. In July, 2009 he accomplished
his service as U.S. Ambassador to Croatia. Prior to that, he served
from 2001 to 2004 as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European
and Eurasian Affairs, with responsibility for NATO and OSCE. In 1983
he worked for U.S. Embassy in Moscow.