The Third International Yerevan Music Festival Launched


Sept 11 2009

>>From now on till October 23 the lovers of music, in the frameworks
of the third Yerevan international music festival, will have the
opportunity to listen to the performances of the worldly famous

The art directors of the festival are RA artist Edward Topchyan and
violoncellist Alexander Chushyan from Great Britain.

The festival will launch by the concert of the Armenian state
philharmonic orchestra today evening in Aram Khachatryan concert
hall. On the concert will be presented the "Partit" of Tigran Mansuryan
and his "N 2 concert for alt and band", as well as the "N5 symphony"
of the prominent D. Shostakovich. The soloist is prominent Kim
Kashkashyan, the chief band-master is Edward Topchyan.

It is worth mentioning that in the last period Kashkashyan has
appeared as a soloist with the famous bands of New York, Berlin,
Vienna, London, Munich and Tokyo. He has had solo concerts in New
York (Metropolitan Museum and 92nd Street "Y"), Boston, Washington,
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.

The concerts of the prominent band masters and performers from
Germany, Great Britain, Italy, France, Austria, Russia, Belgium,
Japan, and from Armenia on the festival will be presented. The works
of famous and prominent composers will sound on the concerts, such as
Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Hayden, Rakhmaninov, Paganini, Tchaikovsky,
Shuman, Verdi, etc.