According to ANC, September 18 rally to announce new beginning

According to ANC, September 18 rally to announce beginning of new wave
of people’s struggle

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 12, NOYAN TAPAN. The Armenian National Congress
holds a rally on September 18 which will raise a new wave of people’s
movement, the ANC statement read it. ANC Coordinator Levon Zurabian
presented it to journalists on September 11.

"In essence, today the state machine has been stolen by several
criminals and is used for their own enrichment. The sphere of foreign
policy is also in such a sad state. The Armenian-Turkish Protocols
published lately revealed the failure of regime’s policy in that
sphere. The assurances about the normalization of Armenian-Turkish
relations and opening the border are depreciated by the inadmissible
provisions forced by the Turkish side which proves that Armenia has
accepted the preconditions of Turkey," the ANC statement read.

According to the ANC, the authorities’ assertion that the relations
with Turkey are normalized irrespective of the Nagorno Karabakh
conflict settlement and without preconditions is an obvious falsehood.
"In fact the Armenian leadership showed that not having internal
legitimacy, they are ready to make inadmissible and inappropriate
concessions in the sphere of foreign policy aimed at strengthening
their own power and getting foreign legitimacy. Such facts deepen the
suspicions that the regime is ready to make such inadmissible deals on
the Nagorno Karabagh conflict, as well," ANC declares, which calls the
public for taking part in the September 18 rally actively, where the
ways of preventing those dangerous developments will be discussed.