Statement Of The AGBU Central Board Of Directors On The Occasion Of




Armenian General Benevolent Union Central Board of Directors September
10, 2009

On August 31, 2009 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic
of Armenia, together with the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign
Affairs and the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, jointly produced
two documents of protocol concerning the establishment of diplomatic
relations between Armenia and Turkey and the development of bilateral
relations. These documents provide details on the initial steps
to be taken for the normalization of relations, the establishment
of consular representation, and the opening of the current border
between the two countries.

This marks a significant moment in the history of relations between
the Armenian and Turkish peoples. It presents major ramifications
for both the government of the newly independent Republic of Armenia
and the Armenian nation worldwide. The Armenian people in both the
homeland and the Diaspora have followed these negotiations with great
interest and concern.

We recognize the great geopolitical challenges faced by Armenia
— its concern for its national security, the need to improve
its accessibility and communication links vital to its economic
development, the desire to participate in regional programs of
political and economic cooperation. All of these objectives motivate
the Armenian government to be positive and sincere in its approach
to these negotiations and to adopt a pragmatic policy with regard
to Turkey. However, as practical as such a policy may be, it should
not be implemented at the expense of the fundamental and historic
rights of the Armenian people. We believe the official governmental
authorities in Armenia are both the administrators of the state and the
guardians of its future. Therefore, they must be guided by pan-natio
aspirations in making these difficult and far-reaching decisions.

The documents establishing diplomatic relations between Armenia and
Turkey touch directly or indirectly upon the enduring issues of the
Armenian Genocide and our territorial demands. We understand the
importance for the Republic of Armenia to have normal diplomatic
relations with neighboring states, including Turkey. We also believe
that justice for the sacred Armenian Case and the international
recognition of the Armenian Genocide should transcend and not be
sacrificed for any immediate diplomatic consideration.

The start of negotiations between Armenia and Turkey has been favorably
encouraged by the international community. The sole opponent to
this dialogue between Armenia and Turkey has been the country of
Azerbaijan. For almost two decades, Turkey has joined with Azerbaijan
in the blockade of Armenia due to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

In the past, Turkey has used the unresolved Nagorno-Karabakh conflict
as justification for its refusal to pursue a separate rapprochement
with Armenia. This current effort to normalize relations between
Armenia and Turkey should not be pre-conditioned by any terms of
concession involving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The people of
Nagorno-Karabakh have already clearly expressed their will to live
freely through their exercise of the sacred right of peoples for

This is a rare moment of opportunity for Turkey. It must show that
it is ready to move forward in earnest. If it falters, hesitates or
withdraws, it will expose itself to the reproach of the international
major powers and those regional nations which are fostering this
rapprochement between Armenia and Turkey.

As this bold diplomatic initiative moves toward normalized relations
between the two countries, Turkey will find itself subjected to
even greater international scrutiny. To justify its membership in
the European Union, Turkey will be under pressure to fulfill its
international commitments. It will become more exposed and ion. It
will be forced to adhere to principles of human rights and democratic
rule and to cooperate with its neighboring countries.

We know the authorities in Armenia face a difficult path as
they endeavor to build new relations with Turkey without imposed
preconditions. We also believe the government of Armenia shares our
serious concerns about the sincerity of Turkey, given its historic
anti-Armenian policy that has continued to the present time. We commend
their initiative and lend our support in their efforts to find a just
and fair outcome in the building of good neighborly relations between
Armenia and Turkey, while safeguarding the historic claims and rights
of the Armenian People.

The Armenian General Benevolent Union has been steadfast in serving the
Armenian people for more than a century. It has been a leading voice
for the desires and aspirations of the Diaspora. AGBU unwaveringly
adheres to its time-honored policy of supporting the homeland,
safeguarding the rights of the Armenian nation, and promoting the
historic and cultural legacy of our people.

On this occasion, we appeal to all Armenians to face the challenges
of this historical moment, in collaboration with the government of
the Republic of Armenia, with wisdom, national unity and the spirit
of cooperation among our people.