It Didn’t Rain On Their Parade: Armenian National Congress Celebrate


Sept 22 2009

Armenian National Congress (HAK) had decided to celebrate Independence
Day by Sarayan’s monument. At 6 pm yesterday, Pan-Armenian National
Movement participants and HAK representatives began to gather
there, and though there was heavy rain, those gathered were in no
rush to leave. Also present was Armenia’s first president, Levon
Ter-Petrossian, who was welcomed by applause.

Since the rain was getting heavier, all those present were invited
to HAK’s head office, after which the crowd moved to Koryun Str.

At the office, the leader congratulated all those present and stated,
"I think everything was more natural and pleasant than expected. I
congratulate all of you, and as Nikol used to say, there are no
doubters here."

Further in his talk with journalists, Levon Zurabian stated why the
tradition was broken and why, on September 21, there were no receptions
in any halls.

"Under pressure from the governing authorities, no hotel or business
centre agreed to provide a hall [for us]. Moreover, even if they
agreed, they said it’s not possible to have more than 150 people. But
this number is too small for us… Our movement is a large-scale
movement: we can only hold such a reception where thousands of
people will come. Since that’s not possible, we decided to gather
at Saryan’s monument, but, later, when it began to rain, we made a
prompt decision to come here. I think, the important thing is not
where we celebrate this day, but the spirit which unites all of us,"
HAK coordinator stated.

Levon Zurabyan also added that yesterday’s rain symbolized the
situation which is created today for our independence.

"An independence, whose essence today’s governing authorities try to
deprive us of. I think the idea of independence will be understood to
the fullest extent by people only if legitimate governing authority
and Constitutional order are reinstated in Armenia. Therefore, I wish
you all an independence crowned with legitimate governing authority,"
Levon Zurabyan stated.