AYF: Over 800 Protest For Justice; Oppose Armenia-Turkey Protocols

Armenian Youth Federation
Eastern United States
80 Bigelow Ave
Watertown, MA 02472
[email protected]


September 22, 2009


New York, NY – Over 800 people turned out for the Protest for Justice
organized by the Armenian Youth Federation – YOARF Eastern Region USA on
Saturday, September 19 in front of Armenia’s Permanent Mission to the United

Displaying Armenian flags and signs protesting the announced protocols for
diplomatic relations between Turkey and Armenia, the crowd chanted slogans
in support of the independence of Artsakh , recognition of the Armenian
Genocide by Turkey and demanding reparations and restitution of land.
Justice Not Protocols was the resounding message.

`We came in the name of Justice. The protocols ask Armenia and the Armenian
Nation to give up on what is rightfully theirs; what was taken away from
them during the Genocide. These protocols are not only a step backwards for
the Armenian Nation but also sets a dangerous precedent at the international
stage,’ said Lauren DaSilva, AYF-YOARF Eastern USA Central Executive

The protocols are just the latest manifestation of a continued Turkish
genocidal policy towards the Armenian Nation. It is obvious that Turkey,
which imposes an illegal blockade and whose geographic existence and
economic prosperity were founded upon the losses of Armenians, is using its
advantage to convince the Armenian state to concede any possibility of
restorative justice.

These concessions span beyond the authority of the Armenian government. They
have no legitimate right to speak on behalf of the eight million diasporan
Armenians. Worse, discussions on normalization were held secretly, in the
dark, with no participation from the citizens of Armenia. Furthermore,
unlike Armenia’s concessions, Turkey’s `concessions’ are deferred,
reversible, vaguely worded.

`I am absolutely disgusted with the foreign policy of the
Sargsyan-Nalbandian regime,’ Said Hrag Arakelian, Chicago Ararat Chapter
Executive Member. `They have either sold out on the Armenian Cause for
their own personal self interest or are just incapable of making sound
policy decisions,’ continued Arakelian.

Coming from as far away as Racine and Chicago, people of all ages boarded
buses early in the morning from Boston, Providence, Worcester, Philadelphia
and Washington, DC to participate.

The protest began with the singing of Mer Hairenik by Nina Froundjian.
Dikran Khaligian led a program which included speeches by Lauren Da Silva on
behalf of the Central Executive of the AYF, Antranig Kasbarian and George
Aghjayan on behalf of Central Committee of the eastern USA Armenian
Revolutionary Federation, Mourad Topalian, Levon Attarian, Hovig
Charchaflian and Hrag Arakelian.

The rally ended with the symbolic presentation of a letter to the Armenian
mission from the AYF on behalf of Protest for Justice (see below for text).

For more information, visit justicenotprotocols.com.


Ambassador Garen Nazarian
Permanent Mission of Armenia to the United Nations
119 East 36th Street
New York, NY 10016

We have come here today, from Massachusetts to Florida, from Chicago to
Philadelphia, to demand justice.

For centuries, Armenian people have lived in servitude to Turkey. However,
the normalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia must be based on
equality, not capitulation.

The independence of Artsakh must be guaranteed. The Armenian genocide must
be accepted by the Turkish government as a crime against humanity with
justice requiring reparations and the restitution of land.

These demands are non-negotiable.

The announced protocols aim to extinguish the rights of Armenians
everywhere. We find this unacceptable. In the name of our ancestors who
sacrificed so much and generations yet to come, we demand Justice Not

AYF Protest for Justice
September 19, 2009