Council of Europe report on minority languages–Armenia

Council of Europe publishes report on minority languages in Armenia
12:18 pm | Today | Politics

The Council of Europe Committee of Ministers has today made public the
second report on the situation of minority languages in Armenia. This
report has been drawn up by a committee of independent experts which
monitors the application of the European Charter for Regional or
Minority Languages.
On the basis of the report, the Committee of Ministers calls on
Armenia to
develop a structured policy to make available sufficient teacher
training and up-dated teaching materials in Assyrian, Yezidi and
Kurdish at all education levels.
Furthermore, the Armenian authorities should ensure that regional or
minority languages can be used in court and that courts and the public
are aware
of their rights and duties to use these languages.
Armenia should also take measures to improve the presence of Assyrian
and Greek on radio, and of Assyrian, Yezidi and Kurdish languages on
Finally, the Committee of Ministers recommends to clarify whether
there are any regional or minority languages used in Armenia other
than those mentioned in Armenia’s instrument of ratification.
Full text of the report and the Committee of Ministers’
4/education/minlang/Report/EvaluationReports/Armen iaECRML2_en.pdf

url. /politics/2009/09/24/report