Amb. Evans Calls Protocols `Flawed Document’

Amb. Evans Calls Protocols `Flawed Document’

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By Asbarez Staff on Sep 25th, 2009

WASHINGTON – Former US Ambassador to Armenia John Evans, during an
international webcast of an Armenian National Committee of America
town hall meeting Thursday, called the Armenia-Turkey protocols

`This is a flawed document,’ said Evans.

`I think that the impulse to try to get diplomatic relations started
and to get the border opened was a good impulse. In the execution
there may have been, and there certainly were some shoddy work,’ added
Evans who prefaced his remarks by noting that he was speaking on his
own behalf and not as a representative of any government or

The 90-minute program, organized by the ANC of Greater Washington,
touched on many facets of the protocols on the establishment and
development of relations between Armenia and Turkey and featured Evans
as a speaker.

The retired diplomat, who was fired by the State Department for
speaking honestly and calling the events of 1915 Genocide, addressed a
broad range of legal and diplomatic concerns related to the
protocols. The full scope of his remarks, as well as the ANCA
presentation and question and answer session, are available on-line at