EU Assistance to Armenian-Turkish Process Reconfirmed

EU Assistance to Armenian-Turkish Process Reconfirmed

12:56 ¢ 26.09.09

Yesterday, President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan
welcomed EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus Peter

During the meeting, the broadening agenda of Armenia-EU cooperation
was discussed. Both sides were of the same opinion that the Eastern
Partnership Project has significant potential for cooperation and will
provide new aspects to their relations.

Sargsyan and Semneby referred to the process of establishing
Armenian-Turkish relations. The Armenian president once again
emphasized that from the beginning the sides held negotiations and
came to agreements with the mutual understanding that the relations of
the two countries must be established without preconditions and an
attempt to step back from this principle may put the whole process at

Semneby reconfirmed EU’s support for the process of negotiations in
establishing Armenian-Turkish relations and expressed a hope that this
historical initiative for Armenia will be crowned with success,
announced the press office of the President of the Republic of