BAKU: Turkey-Armenia protocols won’t pass our parliament before NK


Mehmet Ali Sahin: Turkey- Armenia protocols won’t pass our parliament
as long as Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is unsolved

[ 26 Sep 2009 19:57 ]

Baku – APA. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev met on Saturday with a
Turkish delegation led by Speaker of Turkey’s parliament Mehmet Ali

Mehmet Ali Sahin expressed his satisfaction with the fact that he paid
one of his first foreign visits to Azerbaijan.

He also underscored the significance of the first meeting of the
Parliamentary Assembly of Turkic-Speaking Countries which will be held
in Baku.

According to him, the expansion of inter-parliamentary ties plays a
vital role in the further development of relations between nations.

Ilham Aliyev said the first official visits between Azerbaijan and
Turkey after elections, a tradition started by heads of state and
continued by speakers of parliaments, is the an indicator of the
preference in foreign relations.

Referring to the first meeting of the Parliamentary Assembly of
Turkic-Speaking Countries, he expressed his hope for the success in
the future expansion of relations in this format.

He also added that the summit of Turkic-speaking states which will
take place in Nakhchivan in a few days will contribute to the
strengthening of friendship and solidarity among the Turkic peoples.

Mehmet Ali Sahin stated that the protocols between Turkey and Armenia
to normalize relations will not pass the Turkish parliament until the
long-drawn-out Nagorno Karabakh conflict between Azerbaijan and
Armenia is not solved.

Azerbaijani President thanked the speaker of Turkey’s Parliament for
this position and approach.