(Dip) Turkish Premier Meets U.S. President


(Dip) Turkish Premier Meets U.S. President

PITTSBURGH/NEW YORK (A.A) – 26.09.2009 – Turkish Prime Minister Recep
Tayyip Erdogan met with U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday.

Erdogan, who attended G-20 Summit in Pittsburgh, held a meeting with
Obama after the summit.

The two leaders discussed problems in the Middle East as well as
Turkey, Armenia and Azerbaijan relations.

Obama told Erdogan that the recent developments in Turkey-Armenia
relations were positive, and he stressed the importance of these
relations for the region.

Erdogan and Obama also took up the dispute between Armenia and
Azerbaijan. Erdogan said that it would make things easier if Minsk
Group was involved in the solution process more actively.

Obama told Erdogan that he knew the critical importance of Upper
Karabakh for the solution of the problem.

Following the meeting, Erdogan left for New York to participate in
40th anniversary reception of Organization of the Islamic Conference
(OIC). (GC)