The International Day Of Tourizm In Armenia

September 28

The International Day of Tourizm will officially be celebrated in
Armenia for the first time. On that occasion this evening will take
place an event dedicated to the international day of Tourism and a
ceremony of awarding the people who has had their input in the sphere
of tourism.

As the RA Economy Ministry informs in the event will take part the
RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan who will pass the letters of thanks
to the people who have had their contribution in the sphere of tourism.

The RA Minister of Economy Nerses Yeritsyan will award present a
golden medal to some of the representatives of the Tourism sphere
(released for the first time), he will as well encourage them by the
letters of thanks of the Economy Minister.

On the event will be present Ministers, deputies, representatives
of tourism production (tourism operators, hotels, air companies,
tour guides, and educational institutions), governmental and private,
scientific and educational institutions, international organizations,
and representatives of Mass Media.

The international day of tourism is being celebrated every year on
September 27 since 1979, when in 1979 during the 3rd session the
executive council of Tourism International Organization suggested to
celebrate the day of accepting the charter of Tourism International
Organization (September 27, 1970).

The International Day of Tourism is aimed at improving the awareness
of the international community about tourism, its social, cultural,
political and economic importance.