Raffi Withdrawed His Resignation


15:03:20 – 30/09/2009

Statement of Raffi K. Hovannisian

My Fellow Countrymen:

Having humbly labored so many years for the international reaffirmation
of the Armenian Genocide, recognition of the Karabagh Republic, and
normalization of relations with our neighbors without any precondition,
I felt betrayed by the actions of this administration in compromising
these fundamental principles and therefore decided to lay down my
parliamentary mandate in protest.

Since that moment, however, I have been urged by compatriots both in
Armenia and in our broad Diaspora to take up the challenge and use
the limited forum that the National Assembly offers to speak in the
name of truth and justice no matter what the odds.

Hence, in deference to this strong groundswell of support and urgency,
I am withdrawing my resignation and will resume my responsibilities
as a member of the Heritage faction, which for the past two years
has consistently demonstrated its commitment to human rights and
fundamental freedoms, an end to illegal political persecution and
imprisonment, and the dignity, integrity and security of the Republic
of Armenia and the Armenian people worldwide.
