Exaltation Finally Took Place


17:35:34 – 06/10/2009

All possible expectations as to whether to seek clarification
from the president of Armenia on the representations in terms
of policy on international recognition of the genocide have been
exhausted. This most difficult and painful question remained without an
explanation. Words have been expressed behind which there is nothing
but the desire to calm the passions down. It is clear that if Armenia
is signing these "protocols", the policy on recognition of genocide
is being curtailed and, in general, ends. Turkey will not keep the
border open, if either Armenia or the Diaspora continue the policy of
"recognition". And the point is not the Armenia’s or Turkey’s behavior,
the "protocols" are a very definite message to the whole world that
the Armenian case is closed down. At the same time, the president has
very few arguments, otherwise, he has none which is the reason why the
discarded trump that Armenia cannot war comes out. In this context,
this means that Armenia can never war and is obliged to yield all
its possible positions under the influence of external demands.

Not anywhere, but in the U.S., the President of Armenia said that he
could not afford to let young Armenians die for their homeland. So,
15 years of military construction in Armenia led to the fact that the
Armenian president signs his inability to offer his country’s basic
security. Practically, this statement means surrender. Suspicions
come up that he may have said the same thing during a meeting with
Ilham Aliyev, as well as with intermediaries. Moreover, the situation
aggravated by the fact that the Armenian "president" says this in a
very critical situation tending to be a failure for him, not being
accompanied by generals and the famous clown in Stepanakert and the
retro-mademoiselle from the Komsomol. Apparently, these people with
the highest moral authority were to confirm the failure of our Armed
Forces. When the number of absurd people becomes critical, the absurd
becomes a national property.

If someone thinks that in Armenia and outside of Armenia, there were
no experts who would have done an analysis of the combat capability
of our armed forces more than professionally is mistaken. Such quite
an adequate analysis of the case was carried out at different stages
and in the most recent. For this purpose, the actual material and
evaluation were used which the most competent officers offered. Thus,
considering the factor of security, it was possible to ascertain the
motives of the political behavior of the government. At the disposal
of these experts, there are not less qualified assessments of the
armed forces of Azerbaijan. This was never discussed publicly,
and this material has never been published, because it is totally
unacceptable. At least so it seemed before, until this exaltation of
the Armenian "president" in the United States.

The armed forces of Azerbaijan have not managed to acquire a new
quality assessment after 2003. None of the teachings at the level
of the regiment showed the ability to coordinate arms, but showed
a low capacity for offensive action, especially in the presence of
fortifications. In this case, no teaching was done in quite correct
conditions and nobody found out the true ability of the Azerbaijani
armed forces. In the conduct of command post exercises, it comes out
that such a unit as a team is not able to adequately participate
in operations. One of the most competent military institutions in
the world, which every two years holds games to ascertain the likely
outcome of armed conflicts in South Caucasus and other regions, over
10 years offers a very unflattering assessment of the armed forces
of Azerbaijan. Also the experts of the General Staffs of the States
bordering Azerbaijan have the same opinion.

Azerbaijani generals are well aware of the possibility of their
armed forces and are not acting in establishment as a sort of "war
party". There are suspicions that in Azerbaijan there are no real
"war parties". The motivation of the Azerbaijani society is extremely
unconvincing, and to call it a militarized society is simply impossible
and ridiculous. The Azerbaijani command relies on two components:
massive artillery bombardments and armored forces which must implement
the breakthrough in two areas – the south, that is Horadiz – Zangelan –
Stepanakert and in the north – Martakert – Stepanakert, either partly
encircling the Karabakh grouping, or forcing it to retreat. Thus, the
use of combat aircraft is very doubtful. This plan is assessed as very
primitive, because it does not take into account the enemy’s ability
to suppress the action of artillery systems and destruction of air
defense aircraft. The bet on a breakthrough the defense with the help
of armored forces cannot be regarded as a serious intent.. According to
military experts who participate in war games, the Azerbaijani armed
forces have no chance to break through the defense and, moreover,
to master the initiative. "If there are no external interferences,
and the fighting will take place fairly and rapidly, so within two –
three weeks, the Azerbaijani army will lose the opportunity to make
active mobile warfare".

Of course, all this exaltation of the Armenian "president"
is designed for a completely unaware townsfolk and conformists
of the Diaspora. But the true destination is the leadership of
Azerbaijan. The Azerbaijani ethnos quite convincingly demonstrated and
continues to show the mentality of deserters in addition it became a
reasonable and justifiable logic of behavior. Over the past 6 years,
the purchase of lumber is taking place which is called arms. The
military budget has become an important source of corruption, theft
and abuse. Azerbaijani generals are well aware that they will have
to fight through the barriers of the battalions, as happened during
the first Karabakh war. They do not even dream to capture Stepanakert,
but most – Low-moor lands of Karabakh. It is understood that after the
completion of hostilities in 1994, Azerbaijan did not suppose to fight
with Armenia alone, is a complete bluff. In Azerbaijan only a joint
attack with Turkey on Armenia is expected, in the current political
conditions, it seems absurd. The ruling regime in Azerbaijan is
composed of extremely selfish people with psychopathic characteristics
and various phobias. I can totally responsibly state the following. The
National Security Council of Iran has quite convincing information that
the president Ilham Aliyev has a very serious psychiatric diagnosis
that is not new, and this is well familiar to many in Azerbaijan. And
the Armenian "president" intimidates the Armenian citizens and the
Armenian Diaspora with the help of such degenerates.

The problem of the "protocols" is not about what is said but who says
that it is not a policy but people who make policy. This is not only
an Armenian issue, but for the Armenians it is still a non-understood
problem, in part of its solution.
