President Met With Lebanon Armenians

11:19 07/10/2009

President Serzh Sargsyan’s meeting with the representatives of Armenian
community in Beirut ended. It is reported that the representatives
of ARF Lebanon Central committee Hovik Mkhitaryan, Avo Kitanyan and
other ARF members, as well as Near East Armenian Cause office members
were also present at the meeting with the President. At the beginning
of the meeting President Sargsyan spoke about the recent developments
over the Armenian-Turkish protocols.

Parallel to the President’s meeting with Armenian community, three
Lebanon-Armenian parties held an act of protest in from of "Habtur"
hotel, were president rested, "Azdak" paper reports.

According to the source, after President’s and Aram I
Patriarch’s meeting, the patriarch addressed his speech to the
protestors. "Armenian people should be faithful to the commandment
of our ancestors not abandoning its claim," Aram I said. It has been
also said that the genocide should not be left unpunished.