Turkey Will Apologize

Naira Hayrumyan

17:17:59 – 07/10/2009

We will continue the policy of international recognition of genocide,
regardless everything. So say the representatives of the ruling party
supporting the signing of the Armenian-Turkish protocols in their
current form. And people believe them: it is good that the process
will not stop, they say, justice will prevail.

The question is who needs the recognition of the genocide after Armenia
recognizes the territorial integrity of Turkey. In general, what is
the meaning of recognition of genocide? Did all these 90 years, the
Armenians throughout the world seek for only the repentance of Turkey
and its apology for what it did? If only it were so, then Turkey would
have long recognized that, say, for the sake of the empire it had to
cut out the Armenians. As Turkish general acknowledged saying that
Turkey gained strength due to the fact that it destroyed its enemies
even inside the country. Yes, and ordinary Turks, probably, are proud
of having been able to have created a great country, even if on the
Armenian blood. Armenians are also proud of Tigran the Great, or of
fact that they battered the Persians. But if the Persians suddenly
demanded that we compensate for the massacre at Avarayr field,
probably we would not advertise our victory.

So, the Armenians 90 years sought recognition of the genocide, not for
an apology and not in order, like Serge Sargsyan says, to help the
Turks to understand their own history. Genocide is a legal concept,
and it provides for a particular responsibility. And it requires no
apology, but a subject of compensation, including territorial. If the
point was apologies, we could be satisfied with the fact that Barack
Obama has called the events of 1915 ‘Metz Yeghern’ and chose not to
name the word "genocide". Otherwise, Turkey would have to shell out
and give the territory to which rightfully claims Armenia.

So, if Armenia recognizes the territorial integrity of Turkey,
there would be no need to continue the process of recognition of the
genocide. You can even be sure that after that Barack Obama will forget
the Armenian, Turkey, after a hastily concocted historical commission
opinion, will apologize for the events of 1915, the Armenian lobby
will have nothing else to do.
