Sargsyan address on occasion of signing of Armenia-Turkey protocols

President Sargsyan’s address on the occasion of signing of the
Armenia-Turkey protocols
10.10.2009 16:54

The President of the Republic of Armenia, Serzh Sargsyan, issued an
address to the nation on the occasion of signing of the protocols
between Armenia and Turkey. The President said, in part

`Dear compatriots,

Over the past few weeks the attention of Armenia and all Armenians has
been focused on the current process of normalization of the
Armenian-Turkish relations and the two pre-signed protocols. All parts
and layers of the Armenian nation responded to the call to publicly
discuss the documents and got involved in the debates.

Today we are trying to normalize relations with a country, which
carried out a policy of annihilation of our nation during the Ottoman
rule. The wounds of genocide do not cicatrize. The memories of the
victims and the future of our generations demand that we have a stable
and strong statehood, a powerful and prospering country, a motherland
of our dreams. We consider that one of the most important steps on this
way is the establishment of normal ties with all neighbors, including

Independence demands will and resoluteness to take important decisions,
requires realism and a consistent work. This is the path I have chosen.
I have chosen it with a deep feeling of responsibility and a great
faith in the future of our people.

There is no alternative to the establishment of relations with Turkey
without preconditions. It is the imperative of time. It’s not this
necessity that has given way to a variety of opinions. The concerns of
separate individuals and political forces are connected with different
comments on some provisions of the protocols to be signed and the
historical mistrust in Turkey.

Having realistically assessed this factor, and being confident in the
necessity and correctness of the steps taken, I reiterate that:

1. Any relation with Turkey cannot call into question the fact of the
genocide of the Armenian people. This is a well-known fact, which
should be recognized and condemned by all humanity. The corresponding
sub-commission of the intergovernmental commission is not a commission
of historians.

2. The issue of borders between Armenia and Turkey is a question to be
solved in line with international law. The protocols do not provide for
more than this.

3. These relations are in no way connected and cannot be connected with
the settlement of the Karabakh issue, which is an independent and
separate process. Armenia does not view the issues of territorial
integrity and inviolability of borders as a remark connected with the
Karabakh issue.

4. The delay of the ratification of the protocols by Turkey or the
possible suggestion of new conditions of ratification will face a
corresponding attitude of the Armenian side. Armenia does not assume
any unilateral commitment under these protocols. Armenia signs these
protocols with a view of establishing normal relations between the two
countries. Therefore, if Turkey fails to ratify the protocols within
reasonable timeframe or to accomplish its provisions in due time,
Armenia will undertake corresponding measures in accordance with
international law.

Following the signing of the protocols, we’ll enter the stages of their
ratification and implementation. All the concerns and possible risks
that were brought about during the discussions will be necessarily
taken into consideration, and we must be able to prevent any
development countering the national objectives. I’m more than confident
today that we’ll be able to do that. We’ll do it together. Today we are
not the same as a few months ago. This is already a fact.

I believe in the wisdom of our people. I believe that together we’ll
inherit a thriving and peaceful motherland to our generations. I’m sure
this is going to be the case.

God bless us!’