Kremlin confirms Serzh Sargsyan’s visit

Kremlin confirms Serzh Sargsyan’s visit
17:18 / 10/10/2009

Kremlin confirmed the information on RA President Serzh Sargsyan’s
visit to Moscow, October 12, 2009. Sargsyan will arrive in Moscow at
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’s invitation, Kremlin press service

As reported earlier, RA President Serzh Sargsyan will hold
talks with his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev during his
visit. The parties will discuss a wide range of issues, including the
political situation in the South Caucasus in the context of
Armenia-Turkey Protocols’ signing in Zurich.

President Sargsyan arrived in Rostov-on-Don as part of his
pan-Armenian tour. Sargsyan discussed the Armenia-Turkey normalization
process, as well as the signing of the Armenian-Turkish Protocols with
Diaspora representatives.

As regards the view that the Armenia-Turkey reconciliation will cause
damage to the Armenian-Russian strategic cooperation, Serzh Sargsyan
stated: `These views are unfounded, incited by unawareness and are
often presented as a product of analytical thinking.’

`Armenian-Russian strategic cooperation is progressing rapidly,
including the cooperation within the OSCE. You will witness the
developments that will dispel doubts of the ones showing the deepest
distrust,’ Sargsyan said.