Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan Before Leaving For Moscow Today An


Oct 12, 2009

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 12, ARMENPRESS: Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan
before leaving for Moscow today answered to the questions of the
reporters in Zvartnots airport.

Q: Mr. President, now, when the protocols are signed, may it be
considered that the condition forwarded by you – visiting Turkey in
case of the open borders – has been implemented?

S. Sargsyan: We have never spoken with pre-conditions. Just the
opposite we have always insisted that our relations must develop
without preconditions. We are speaking of enough prerequisites and
I think that today these prerequisites exist. Besides in relations
I greatly underscore the principle of mutuality: president of Turkey
responded to my invitation and came to Armenia and now I do not have
serious grounds not to accept his invitation. My counterpart has sent
a written invitation and if in the coming two days no extraordinary
events happen I will visit Bursa to support my favorite football team –
Armenian national team.

Q: How will you assess the yesterday’s statements of the Turkish
prime minister and foreign minister.

S. Sargsyan: Unfortunately, our public learns about such statements
first of all from the Azerbaijani web sites the authors of
which, naturally, are trying to distort the statements of Turkish
officials. Nevertheless there were such statements and in my opinion
they are first of all directed to Azerbaijani audience. In the
opposite case it is very strange for me: if the Turks are not going
to ratify the protocols why they have signed it on the eve. May
be they were thinking that we cannot display enough will and step
back. May be. In any case today the ball is on the Turkish side and
we have enough patience to wait for the development of events. We
have publicly stated about our steps and without hesitation will
move in that direction. Will the Turks ratify the protocols, will
they follow the approved graphic ve nothing to hesitate and will do
what we have stated.

Q: After Kishinev negotiations Azerbaijani president stated that
the issue of return of the Nagorno Karabakh’s nearby territories is
already agreed. Will you confirm or reject this statement.

S. Sargsyan: The strange thing in this interview is not that
the Azerbaijani president is dissatisfied with the results
of negotiations. The strange is several thoughts expressed by
him, including what you have said. I do not know with whom the
Azerbaijani president agreed and if you have noticed there are several
uncertainties in this paragraph. He is not saying when, where. We have
never discussed with Azerbaijan the issue of return of territories. He
is displeased with the process and results of negotiations because we
have discussed only two issues -final status of Nagorno Karabakh and
middle status. And if he is displeased I cannot help him in this issue.