ANC: Signing Of Armenian-Turkish Protocols Is Evidence Of Ruling Reg


October 13, 2009

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 13, NOYAN TAPAN. According to an October 12
statement by the Armenian National Congress (ANC), the signing of the
Armenian-Turkish protocols is evidence of ruling regime’s political
bankruptcy and regular regrettable proof of poor diplomacy.

The statement read:

"With the Zurich betrayal deal Armenia’s administration had a goal
to achieve opening of the Armenian-Turkish border at the price of
accepting the idea of ill-famous commission studying the historic
facts, by casting a doubt on the historic fact of Armenian Genocide
before the world. This deal being immoral and inadmissible in itself
did not meet Armenia’s expectations. Irrespective of ratification by
the parliaments, Turkey has already received what it wanted. While,
before signing the document, as well as after it Turkey at the highest
level continues conditioning the issue of opening state borders by
the Nagorno Karabakh problem, in particular, by return of territories
forming the security zone.

The Armenian National Congress has been warning about such an
inevitable process for a year saying that after Serzh Sargsyan’s
approving the idea of establishing a commission of historians the
problems of Armenian-Turkish relations and the Nagorno Karabakh
settlement will be included in a common package.

The signing of the Armenian-Turkish protocols is the consequence of R.

Kocharian’s and S. Sargsyan’s policy of past ten years, which created a
ctriminal-oligarch, corrupted system in the country, and the issue of
Genocide was placed on the foreign policy agenda and became a subject
of bargaining. Not enjoying people’s support and looking for support
in serving the interests of international community S. Sargsyan’s
administration is going to make as much inadmissible concessions in
the Nagorno Karabakh problem.

Now like a year ago the Armenian National Congress holds the opinion
that the only way to prevent this anti-national process and to avoid
further losses is Serzh Sargsyan’s resignation, which under the
circumstances can be secured only by general resistance and maximum
consolidation of Armenian political forces and various strata of
society around that demand."