President Sargsyan Handpicks Reporters For Bursa Trip


2009/10/14 | 15:54


Vercihan Zifiloglu, a Turkish-Armenian who writes for Hurriyet,
today reports that RoA President Serzh Sargsyan handpicked the 20
journalists who will travel with him to Bursa to watch the football
match between the national teams of Armenia and Turkey. President
Sargsyan is expected to arrive in Bursa around 4 p.m. local time.

She states in her article that sources claim that journalists of
Armenian origin from the world’s leading media organizations tried
to acquire accreditation for the match in Bursa through the Turkish
embassies in their countries but were unsuccessful as a result of
complications with the Turkish Football Federation.

It is not only journalists from the diaspora who are having trouble
with accreditations. Many Turkish journalists have also been denied
because tickets for the match are not on sale.

For security reasons, most of the tickets were handed out to select
groups, such as students from the police academy. And many of the
members of the Turkish press who have been accredited have not yet
received their entrance papers.