‘No Document Will Be Found That Will Strengthen Turkey’s Position Of

17:36 15.10.09

‘No Document Will Be Found That Will Strengthen Turkey’s Position of
Denial’: Ruben Safrastyan

"The Genocide issue is accepted. If presently, the majority of Turkish
people don’t accept the fact, it doesn’t mean it’s put to doubt. The
entire world has accepted that, including the US and Europe. I am not
referring here at the governmental level, but among historians and
scientists," Director of Oriental Studies Institute of the National
Academy of Sciences Ruben Safrastyan stated today, referring to the
possible influence of archive documents.

"If an American historian rises up and states in scientific circles or
in a university there was no Armenian Genocide people will either laugh
at him, or will say he is not a specialist or he was bribed by the
Turks," he continued, emphasizing that the world’s scientific circles
today accept the fact of Armenian Genocide and its non-acceptance by
Turkey cannot be a decisive factor.

"The phase has passed when Turkey can dispute the Genocide issue,"
Safrastyan said, responding to statements made by Turkey that
unexpected surprises await Armenia following the opening of the
archives. According to him, there can be no surprises for Armenia
and no document will be found that will strengthen Turkey’s positions
of denial.