Ties Between Russian Krasnodar And Armenian Tavush Provinces Are Bei


Oct 15, 2009

IJEVAN, OCTOBER 15, ARMENPRESS: Lately Kazaks’ delegation of the
Russian Krasnodar province paid a visit to Tavush province accompanied
with members of the Krasnodar Armenian community and Armenian Kazaks’

Receiving them, Governor Armen Ghularyan presented the province,
its geographical position and economic possibilities, as well as the
friendly relations with Krasnodar province. It was noted that Tavush
people highly assess those ties and in general, the relations with
Russia. The governor pointed out that the Kazaks have played a great
role in the Armenian national-liberation fight in time. In response,
head of the delegation, Ataman Victor Kalinenko expressed gratitude for
the warm reception. Ataman awarded Tavush governor with Kazak cross.

The friendship of the Russian province of Krasnodar and the Armenian
province of Tavush has started to get established still in 2005,
when Governor Alexander Tkachov and Governor Armen Ghularyan signed
a memorandum of friendship in Dilijan. From that day visits by the
part of different delegation have been registered.

Member of the province delegation, Ataman of Korenovski region Michael
Timchenko has paid a visit to Armenia for the 44th time from 1967. He
is a historian by profession and is very interested in the history
of Armenian people; he has personal memories connected with Armenia
and Armenian people. Both his grandfathers fought and were killed in
the West Armenia, one in Bayazet and the other – in Van.

According to the chief Ataman of Kazaks’ Union, General-Lieutenant
Karen Zadoyan, it is already 10 years that the organization has been
functioning in Armenia, it has a brigade in almost all provinces, and
is going to establish a similar brigade also in Tavush. A. Ghularyan
and head of Tavush province department of police Khachik Asatryan
responded to the proposal positively and offered their support.

Krasnodar delegation-members accompanied with the govern Unknown
Soldier in Dilijan, listened to the concert organized by the students
of Dilijan Musical College. Impressed by it Krasnodar delegation
offered to establish a tie between that college and any Krasnodar
educational establishment, to pay mutual visits, as well as to hold
cultural events.