BAKU: Lenmarker: The situation on NK Settlement is more optimistic
Oct 17 2009

Goran Lenmarker: The situation on the Settlement of Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict is more optimistic than Ihave ever Seen Before
`The situation when it comes to Nagorno-Karabakh is rather optimistic.

There have been many meetings between the foreign ministers, and also
the presidents of the two countries ` Armenia and Azerbaijan; and this
is the sign that the negotiations are intensified, and my personal
view is that there is a good opportunity for a solution,’ OSCE
Parliamentary Assembly’s special representative for Nagorno-Karabakh,
and the special envoy on Georgia Goran Lennmarker said. Asked whether
the sides are about to come closer and there is a golden opportunity
in the settlement of the conflict, Goran Lennmarker said:

`I said that even four years ago, a golden opportunity, and sometimes
one may think for how long is an opportunity; but I am glad to say
that I think the situation now, late 2009, is more optimistic than I
have ever seen before.’

Touching on the protocols signed between Turkey and Armenia, OSCE
representative considers that it will have a positive influence on the
entire region.

`I think the Turks have made a great contribution for the situation
with Armenia but also for the region of Southern Caucasus. I will also
mention that the European Union through its Eastern partnership is now
` finally, I would say, come in and also give a positive contribution.
And that was a positive thing also for Georgia,’ he said.