Turkey Slams Israel


19.10.2009 13:14

Yerevan (Yerkir) – Turkey said Sunday that Israel should learn a
lesson instead of reacting against the Goldstone report, which its
Gaza operations, which was endorsed Friday by the United Nations.

"The acceptance of this report is very important," President Abdullah
Gul said in an interview with TRT, the state broadcaster. "The reaction
Israel has shown against Turkey is incorrect. As a matter of fact,
its incorrectness was proven by the report, which was endorsed by
the U.N. Human Rights Council."

The U.N. Human Rights Council voted to endorse the report, which
calls on Israel and Hamas to carry out credible investigations into
alleged abuses carried out during the war – or face possible referral
to international war crimes prosecutors. The Goldstone report is named
for Richard Goldstone, a jurist who led the panel of investigators
that produced the report.

The report coincided with a growing tension between Turkey and Israel,
as the former canceled a planned military exercise involving Israel.

It was followed by another crisis when a Turkish state broadcaster
showed a television series depicting Israeli soldiers as murderers.

Israel protested the series and officially asked for its removal.