NKR:Revival Of Shoushi By Relocation Of Some Structures As Well


Interview of "Armedia" informational and analytical agency
with the NKR Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan
October 20, 2009

-Mr. Haroutyunyan, during the last years it is frequently talked about
relocation of some state establishments in Shoushi. Would you be so
kind to specify which departments and organizations will be removed
to Shoushi? What kind of construction works is carried out in this
concern, and when they will be accomplished?

– For relocation of judicial system, construction of corresponding
building, which will be completed in 2011, has been already started.

Nearly at the same time, construction of the branch of the Armenian
Agrarian University will be accomplished too. The Defense Army’s
Antiaircraft Services with its subdivisions will also be relocated in
Shoushi. Construction of the building anticipated for the mentioned
services will be finished by the end of this year or at the beginning
of the coming year. Construction of drinking water pipe for Shoushi
is in progress.

Later on relocation of the Ministry of Culture and the State Committee
of Cadastre is also anticipated.

– Relocation of the mentioned structures also presupposes a number
of problems connected with provision of dwellings for employees,
their transportation from Stepanakert to Shoushi and foundation of
corresponding substructures. What kind of activities is carried out
in this view and how these issues will be settled?

– I have to state, that works in these directions are being already
carried out: destroyed multistoried buildings are under reconstruction
and those willing to remove and settle in Shoushi will be rendered
flats from these buildings. The construction of one building is coming
to an end and the other one will be soon started.

The Defense Army will be rendered two buildings the reconstruction
of which has been also begun.

– Mr. Prime Minister, does the process of relocation of state
structures in Shoushi mean that it is the beginning of turning
Shoushi into the capital of Karabakh (formerly there was such an
opinion existing and the intention as well.)?

– No, it doesn’t mean the beginning of turning Shoushi into the capital
of Karabakh. The capital of Karabakh is Stepanakert, and this issue
isn’t solved by the Government decree.

– This year, the telethon of "Hayastan" All Armenina Fund will be
dedicated just to restoration of Shoushi. What are your expectations
and what is planned to be realized in Shoushi?

Expectations are great. In Shushi, the accomplishment and asphalting of
roads, building of internal water system, restoration of old buildings,
repair and reconstruction of tumbledown constructions, end of works
on gasification, restoration of sewer lines and many other works are
foreseen. The programme is wide, though its realization will depend
on the size of collected money.

I want to add that it is anticipated that the school after Mouratsan
will be transferred into vocational technical school with modern
conveniences for which the financial structure of "Hayastan" All
Armenian Fund is already making steps.