Armenia looking for durable, realistic solutions to NK

Interfax, Russia
Oct 23 2009


Armenia is looking for durable solutions to the conflict over
Nagorno-Karabakh, which would guarantee realistic peace, Armenian
President Serzh Sargsyan said.

We are looking for long-term solutions that would bring peace in
reality. I am sure that such solutions exist. And they can be found
when the parties soberly approach the situation and when their
expectations are realistic, Sargsyan said in an interview broadcast on
the Nagorno- Karabakh public television.

While each party tries to benefit as much as it can from any
negotiations, I do not understand it when one of the parties to
negotiations tries to take all and is guided by the
‘everything-for-me’ principle, he said.

When our partners in the negotiations come to the conclusion that
there should be a logical decision, this decision can be found

When they approach the issue realistically and when they really want
to resolve the problem in addition to making declarations, the problem
will be resolved at the same moment, Sargsyan said.