Statement by the Armenian Community & Church Council of GB

Statement by the Armenian Community & Church Council of Great Britain

The Armenian Community & Church Council of Great Britain (ACCC) has
followed with deep concern the developments which have on the 10th of
October 2009 culminated in the signing of the Protocols for the
establishment of Diplomatic relations between the Republic of Armenia
and the Republic of Turkey.

The ACCC respects the absolute right of the Government of Armenia, as
a Sovereign State, to enter into Agreements which they consider would
benefit in one way or another the State and population of the Republic
of Armenia and we hope and pray that Agreements between Armenia and
Turkey, as with all other States, result in the establishment of good
neighbourly and Diplomatic relations, peaceful co-existence, and the
improvement of the economic status of Armenia and its population.

The ACCC unreservedly reaffirms its support of the Independent
Republic of Armenia, and would under all circumstances do all within
its abilities to make certain that Armenia flourishes as an
independent State and maintains a position in the World as a
respected, honourable and peaceful State, enjoying good neighbourly
relations with all its neighbours.

However, the ACCC wishes to express its strong reservations at the
wisdom of entering into the Agreements defined by the Protocols as it
considers that there are certain provisions within them which would be
detrimental to the interests of the Armenian Nation.

The Agreements involve the concession of historical Armenian heritage,
human and legal rights, and the recognition of – and reparation for –
the crime of Genocide committed against Armenians in Ottoman Turkey
between 1915 and 1921 by introducing an element of doubt to the
veracity of the Genocide.

We therefore sincerely hope that the Government and National Assembly
of the Republic of Armenia will take into consideration the serious
concerns expressed by communities and organisations within Armenia as
well as the Diaspora and will act accordingly during their
deliberations for the ratification of the Agreements.