Rumors: Kasianov could lead Russia’s “Orange Revolution”

Agency WPS
What the Papers Say. Part A (Russia)
February 21, 2005, Monday


Following the revolutions in Georgia and Ukraine, and impending coups
in Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, and Armenia, it appears that Russia is next
on the list. In this context, a recent visit to Washington by former
prime minister Mikhail Kasianov is revealing. During that visit,
Kasianov met with some Republican and Democrat leaders, as well as
Condoleezza Rice. Future parliamentary and presidential elections
were discussed at those talks. The Americans made it clear to
Kasianov that they would approve if he decides to run for president
in 2008. Noting Kasianov’s fairly strong standing in Russia’s
right-wing liberal circles, the Americans advised him to establish
contacts with the left-wing opposition, since reaching a compromise
with those forces would be essential in forming a broad social
support base for the revolution among people who have been hurt by
the government’s recent reforms.

Source: Versiya, No. 6, February 15, 2005, p. 9