Protocols Ratification Doesn’t Promote Regional Security: ASALA


Oct 29 2009

"Renounce the Protocols completely. It is necessary to return to the
arena of rights and to demand the right of Armenians by legal means,"
said Armenian Secret Army for Liberation of Armenia (ASALA), "Oukht
Ararat" coordinator Tigran Pashabezyan during a press conference today.

Presenting ASALA representatives’ concerns, Pashabezyan stated that
ratification of the Armenian-Turkish Protocols doesn’t promote regional
security, but increases risks. According to him, the next concern
is that the Protocols are an attempt to oust the 1948 UN Convention
on Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. And finally,
with the Protocols, the sides assume responsibilities before Europe,
which means having to deal with a new legal package.

ASALA wrote an open letter stating their concerns on the risks of
the Protocols to the US, Russian and French presidents, Secretary
General of the EU Council, Chair of the Council of Europe Committee
of Ministers, and the Armenian and Turkish presidents, and is waiting
for a response. Pashabezyan stated that after ratifying the Protocols,
the responsibility for any developments, positive or negative, falls
on the countries gathered at Zurich (where the signing ceremony took
place), as well as on Armenia and Turkey.