The Total Assets Of Armenian Banks Have Increased By 10.1%



During the third quarter 2009 the total assets of the banking system
of Armenia have increased by 112, 8 billion drams or by 10, 1 %,
having made for September 30th 1230, 5 billion drams.

As it is informed in the review of the Central Bank of Armenia on
activity of the Armenian banks for the third quarter of 2009, the cash
volume in banks from the beginning of accounting quarter has grown by
2,5 billion drams or by 4,2 %, having made 61,8 billion drams. For the
accounting period recession of corresponding accounts in banks is
observed to be 19, 9 % or 21, 3 billion drams getting to 86, 6 billion
drams. At the same time requirements of banks in relation to the
Central Bank (including corresponding accounts) for the accounting
period have increased by 30,5 billion drams or by 19,5 %, having made
186,7 billion drams.

As appears from the message, in the third quarter growth under
requirements to banks and other financial organizations by 23, 9
billion drams or by 61, 1 % has been fixed, having made 63 billion

For the accounting period the reserve of a covering of possible losses
on assets has increased by 4 billion drams or by 21, 2 %, having made
22, 8 billion drams.

Following the results of the third quarter of 2009 the volume of
crediting of legal entities has increased by 15, 5 % and has made 356,
6 billion drams, and volumes of the credits given to physical persons
were reduced to 0, 6 % and have made 281, 7 billion drams. At the same
time the volume of the credits which have been given out to persons
interconnected with bank and employees, has increased by 14, 6 %,
having made for September 30th of 2009 19, 5 billion drams.

According to the Central Bank review, in the third quarter of 2009 the
general assets of banks investment volumes have increased by 31, 6
billion drams or by 45, 4 % in the state securities which size has
made on the end of September of 2009 101,4 billion drams.

According to the Central Bank, the volume leasing and factoring
operations within accounting quarter was reduced to 3 % to 5, 5
billion drams. Thus investments in other securities have grown by 78,
6 % to 8, 8 billion drams on the end of September of 2009.

The volume of the basic means of banks has made 55, 6 billion drams
against 53,1 billion drams of the June 30th of 2009, the percent added
to reception have made 8 billion drams, other assets_ 18,2 billion
drams against 24,1 million drams of the beginning of the quarter.

According to the preliminary data of the agency "ARKA" on the basis of
the published intermediate financial reports of banks for the third
quarter of 2009, ACBA-Credit Agricole Bank (148, 8 billion drams),
HSBC Bank Armenia (138, 6 billion drams), Ardshininvestbank (122, 9
billion drams), Unibank (107, 4 billion drams) and Armbusinessbank
(96, 4 billion drams) have entered into the five of leaders by the
size of assets.

For September 30th of 2009 22 banks and 383 branches operate in Armenia.