U.S. Senate Leader Writes To Clinton On Armenian-Turkish Protocols


Nov 3 2009

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has formally shared the
reservations of the Silver State’s Armenian community regarding the
dangers of the recently signed Turkey-Armenia Protocols with Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton, reported the Armenian National Committee
of America (ANCA).

In an October 30, 2009 letter to ANCA-Nevada activist Razmig Libarian,
the Senate leader reported that he had recently written to Secretary
Clinton to pass along the concerns of his state’s citizens of Armenian
heritage, and to encourage her to meet directly with the national
leadership of the Armenian American community regarding the state of
Turkey-Armenia relations.

In his letter to Secretary Clinton, dated October 30, 2009, Senator
Reid wrote: "I am sure you are aware that this agreement has raised
concerns in the Armenian community inside the United States. I have
received many letters from Nevadans who do not support the creation
of an international commission to examine the historical record
on the genocide and who believe that the agreements are unfair to
Armenia. (I have included a sample letter below). Given the serious
nature of the community’s concerns, I felt it was important to raise
them directly with you. The commission is particularly sensitive to
the Armenian-American community since the Armenian genocide has never
been recognized by Turkey."

Despite the high profile of Armenia-Turkey ties in the Obama-Biden
Administration’s foreign policy agenda, neither President Obama
nor Secretary Clinton has met with the Armenian-American community