Turkish Officials Have Short Memory For History


Nov 4 2009

Rize city (North Turkey) was a first stop in the regional tour of
Mr. Pinhas Avivi, Israeli Ambassador to Turkey. The meeting between
Israeli diplomat and Halil Bakirci, Mayor of Rize, was chilly, Iha
e-source informs. Bakirci said that the locals are worried about
Israeli tourists staying in the countryside, bypassing the city.

Avivi stated that Israeli-Turkish relations have stable basis,
although they presently go through hard times.

"Israel carries out expansionist policy and opinion of Turkish people
about it will remain unchanged. Due to this, as a governor I am
concerned over the matter, as Israeli tourists might face challenges
while visiting the country. Preventive measures are taken in this
regard," Bakirci stated.

Israeli Ambassador insisted that there is no alternative to his
country but to do so, adding that Turks would act likewise if find
themselves in a similar situation.

Bakirci maintained, "I do not speak on behalf of the country but on
my own. While at war, Israel will fail to achieve peace. For peace
establishment in the region Israel should end the war. Indeed, Rize
residents will defend themselves in case of threat, but in now way
killing children," emphasized Bakirci.

The dialogue broke off, as this sharp standpoint astonished Israeli
Ambassador and his entourage.

Accusing Israel of committing crimes in Palestine, Rize Mayor forgot
to mention Turks’ ability to perpetrate the massacre of a whole
nation while "defending themselves". In any case, raving about the
murdered Palestinian children, the Turkish official withheld how
Turks slaughtered Armenian children during the Genocide in 1915.