Minister:Today We Don’t Have Enough Means To Keep All That People


Nov 5 2009

Answering the question of whether it is possible in 2010 to
have growth in the sum of money assigned for the homeless people,
Gevorg Petrosyan, the Labor and Social Affairs Minister of the
Republic of Armenia, said that the financial economic crisis is not
rolled around the neck of the social sphere, but he doesn’t want to
show a surplus optimism, give promises and not to keep them later.

The responsibility for the homeless people is lying on the Labor
and Social Affairs Ministry of the Armenian Republic. Adjacent to it
there is the nursing home N1 in Yerevan founded in 2007. The boarding
house is indicated for 60 people and only for 60 days. After 60 days
the homeless are being returned to the street and a new group is
being gathered.

G. Petrosyan said that it’s a pity that they return the people back
to the street, but mentioned that there is a problem of an objective
impossibility: "We have the desire not to let those people out,
we always be careful for not letting anyone out to the street, but
today unfortunately the number of the people who live on the streets
is not reduced, on the contrary there is a growth even noticed. On
the other hand we are not able to keep all that people."

He also added that the Ministry is not getting along only with the
money provided by the state budget. They try to find more money
through by the support of foreign sponsors.

"It is out of our ability to solve that problem", – the Minister said.

To the question whether there is another country where in 60 days
the person is being out to the street again Mr. Petrosyan said that
he has not studied the experience of the other countries.

"Your accuse would be reasonable if we had resources but told them
to leave saying that we didn’t have means to care about them.", –
said G. Petrosyan.