Average Monthly Pension Amount Goes To 10104 Dram


Nov 5 2009

Armenian state budget for 2010 will direct 241.27 billion dram towards
social spending, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Gevorg Petrosyan
told journalists. Of this, 6.5144 million dram will go to pension
while it invariably stands by 8 thousand dram.

"Average monthly pension amount goes to 10 104 dram while 148.0156
million dram will go to social spending," said minister.

One year of length of service brings 450 dram, average monthly labor
pension stands by 26 thousand dram, awarded payments invariably go
to 20 thousand dram; spending on family supports is expected to go
to 31.023 million dram. Children’s pensions are paid for children
under the age of 2 (18 thousand dram); families with newborn first
child will receive 50 thousand dram, families with newborn second
and more child will receive 430 thousand dram.

Armenian state budget will direct 4.536 million dram towards spending
on unemployment benefits, of this, monthly benefit stand by 18

National health care spending is expected to stand by 167.3 million
dram. Average daily cost for per patient goes to 11 500 dram.

Spending on disabled people (wheelchairs and hearing aid) goes to 119.2
million dram. It is expected to buy Russian-made 450 wheelchairs and
1100 hearing aids and 218 European-made hearing aids.