BAKU: Davutoghlu: Not Ratification without NK conflict settlement, Azerbaijan
Nov 7 2009

Ahmet Davutoghlu: Armenian-Turkish accords not to be ratified without
Karabakh conflict settlement
Sat 07 November 2009 | 07:16 GMT

"We have clearly expressed our position to our Russian, US and
European partners: they should not expect ratification of the
Armenian-Turkish accords without a breakthrough in the Karabakh issue.
This is an opinion of our deputies and we respect them", Hurriyet
quotes Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoghlu as saying in Paris.

"Yes, we want peace in the region, but all processes should occur in a
single complex. I have told Kuschner during the meeting with him that
France, as the OSCE MG co-chair, along with other co-chairs should
intensify efforts for the resolution of the Karabakh conflict", the
Minister said.

Davutoghlu had a debate with the Armenian journalist at a joint news
conference in Paris. When the journalist again asked him about
"genocide", Davutoghlu said nervously "and what about the occupation
of Azerbaijan’s lands and deprivation of hundreds of thousands of
people of their homes in Karabakh? Our only aim is to help these
people return to their native lands", CNN-Turk reports.