BAKU: Turkish Opp: Turkey will never betray fraternal Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan
Nov 7 2009

Turkish opposition leader: Turkey will never betray fraternal
Azerbaijan for Armenia
Sat 07 November 2009 | 08:52 GMT Text size:

Deniz Baykal "The countries that are now pressing on Turkey about the
opening of the Armenian-Turkish borders, use incorrect tone while
talking to us.

How can they ask us to betray our brother, whose lands were taken away
and millions of people were forced to flee their homes? Can you
imagine this situation? But unfortunately, our authorities are calmly
listening to such demands. This is a betrayal of a family, brotherhood
and relationships. Had it not been for the position of our people, we
would have been stuck in that shame", Sabah newspaper quotes Deniz
Baykal, leader of the oppositional Peopleâ??s Republican Party of
Turkey, as saying at the meeting with Konya residents.

"What have we attained by signing the protocols? Armenia still holds
Karabakh under occupation and stiffens its stance. But let the world
know: Turkey will never betray fraternal Azerbaijan for Armenia or
someone else. Nether Armenia, nor any other country will be able to
spoil the fraternal relations between the two nations", he said.