Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan Addresses Armenian High-Tech Industry


2009-11-09 12:45:00

ArmInfo. Arm Tech – 2009, the Armenian high-tech industry congress
started in San Jose (USA) as attended by a Prime Minister Tigran
Sargsyan-headed delegation from Armenia, the governmental press-service
told ArmInfo.

The Prime Minister addressed the congress. He said that over the three
days of the forum he has learned several useful lessons. First, such
meetings and discussion create an exclusive opportunity to correct the
economic strategy of Armenia. "One of the spokesmen at the forum made
the following phrase "The past is created today, and the present will
come tomorrow", which reflects the idea of the rapidly changing world.

We must be ready for such changes," the prime minister said. He
mentioned that after the visit to the Silicon Valley it has become
clear that government programs on information technologies need
changes. "Our programs became outdated while we were trying to
implement them. We must "recharge" them. In addition, during our
meetings with the representative of one of the big companies the
following idea was announced i.e. it is not Armenia that should apply
to big companies, but big companies must apply to Armenia. This idea
surprised me at first. The world is becoming smaller and smaller and
competition between big companies is stiffening. No free place has
been left," the prime minister said. He highlighted that transnational
companies are competing for a position not in the present and even not
in the perspective markets since all the positions are occupied. "Deep
ocean strategy" comes to the fore. "We are late and we should find our
"ocean," our territory of relevant prevalence. No big company will
make a decision especially for us. Big companies care for their own
business. Only ArmTech will make it possible for us to chose our way
to develop," Tigran Sargsyan said. In his speech, the prime minister
also touched upon the issues of Armenian Genocide, Armenia-Diaspora
cooperation , Armenian-Turkish relations, the official stand of Armenia
and the president’s initiative on settlement of the Armenian-Turkish
relations. Those present warmly welcomed the prime minister’s speech.

The first ArmTech Forum was held in 2007. This annual forum is held
in Armenia and Diaspora by rotation. ArmTech ’09 took place November
5- 8 at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose, California. The Armenian
delegation comprise nearly 80 people.