Armenia Against Preconditions In Dealings With Turkey – President


Nov 10 2009

Armenia wants to establish relations with neighbors peacefully and
without preconditions, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said.

"We want to tackle problems without preconditions and peacefully,
and to establish relations with neighbors, channeling resources into a
stable and peaceful development of our region," Sargsyan told Hungarian
President Laszlo Solyom in Budapest on Monday.

On the settlement of the Karabakh conflict and relations with Turkey,
Sargsyan said that the development of the region and long-lasting
peace and stability are only possible in cooperation.

Solyom, in turn, said that Hungary supports the establishment of
Armenian-Turkish relations. "I could see during out talks how strongly
Armenia adheres to the settlement of relations with neighbors and to
an accelerated solution of these persisting contradictions," he said.

Sargsyan is in Budapest on the Hungarian president’s invitation as
part of his three-day visit.

The Turkish-Armenian protocols on the establishment of diplomatic
relations and the opening of the Turkish-Armenian border were signed
in Zurich, Switzerland, on October 10, by the Turkish and Armenian
foreign ministers.

The protocols must be ratified by the Armenian and Turkish parliaments
before they take effect.