ANC-PAC Meets With Senatorial Candidate Danny Tarkanian

16.11.2009 10:43

The Armenian National Committee Political Action Committee (ANC-PAC)
recently met with Danny Tarkanian who is bidding to become the first
ever Armenian American elected to the US Senate.

The meeting focused on Tarkanian’s goals, if elected to the Senate,
as well as his views on what his agenda would be with regard to issues
of importance to the Armenian American community.

"I look forward to working with the ANCA, once I am elected, to ensure
that Armenian Americans finally have a voice of their own in the
Senate" said Tarkanian. "For many years we have heard platitudes from
‘friends’ of the community, but it is time to have a direct ancestor
of genocide survivors speak up about the unfair pressure being put on
Armenia to accept Protocols which call for a ‘historical commission’
and put in danger the very status of the Republic of Nagorno Karabagh.

Instead of tepidly worded letters to the Secretary of State, I will
demand to know why America would pressure the victim, Armenia, while
helping the perpetrators, Turkey and Azerbaijan."