Sociologist Talks About Turkey’s Appropriation Of Armenian Culture


Nov 18 2009

The Armenian-Turkish rapprochement is inevitable, but we will really
be faced with obstacles when the Turks and the Armenians begin to come
in contact with one another, said Sociometer Center Director Aharon
Adibekyan. In his words, "the image we [that is, Turks and Armenians]
have of one other are completely different."

During a press conference today, the sociologist also referred to the
appropriation of Armenian and universal cultural heritage by Turk and
Azerbaijani peoples. He believes that to be characteristic of all young
cultures. "It’s evident that when, tomorrow, we go to Turkey [and]
see our national dress, our architectural monuments, our cuisine, our
dances and songs, and we say that this is ours, to that they will say,
‘it’s ours,’ because they have been convinced that those are Turkish."

Speaking about cuisine, Adibekyan noted that names of delicacies such
as dolma, bozbash, and lavash are not Armenian, though the recipes are.

The press conference’s other participant, National Academy of Fine
Arts Rector Edward Sedrakyan, spoke about clashes between Armenians
and Azerbaijani peoples during the National Dress high fashion
competition. Delegation leaders, each claiming it to be their own,
argued not only over national dress and music, but also over the duduk,
a much-loved musical instrument.

Both Adibekyan and Sedrakyan came to the conclusion that it’s necessary
to receive an Armenian upbringing from childhood. Asked who will they
trust to take on such a program, Sedrakyan said perhaps there isn’t
such a program, but it’s in the works. Both Adibekyan and Sedrakyan
highlighted as well the necessity of Armenians to ascertain and
know themselves.