Volkswagen Touareg Minister’s Only Adornment?

Nov 20 2009

17:10 / 11/20/2009The international community does not take Armenia’s
representatives’ seriously because of their "miserable looks", Galust
Sahakyan, Head of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) faction, told
a press briefing, commenting on a new "acquisition" of RA Minister
of Education and Science Armen Ashotyan – a Volkswagen Touareg.

"We must properly appear before the international community," Sahakyan
said, without explaining how the new car can help the same Armen
Ashotyan to "properly appear before the international community."

He may have meant that, "to be taken seriously", Minister Ashotyan, as
well as other Armenian officials, must "appear before the international
community" with their expensive cars in the background.

It turns out that Armenian officials must be "accompanied" by their
own cars during their business trips abroad at the taxpayers’ expense!

Well, if this is the only way for Armenian officials to look
"presentable", Armenian taxpayers are ready to "sacrifice" for that.

Minister Ashotyan himself stated that the car, its cost being U.S.

$70,000 and up, was presented to the RA Ministry of Education and