How to solve a $600 million question?

Armenian Technology Group, Inc.
1300 E. Shaw Ave. #131

Date: November 25, 2009
Contact Person: Varoujan Der Simonian, Executive Director, ATG
Tel: 559-224-1000
Fax: 559-224-1002

How to solve a $600 million question
Armenia’s Grape Industry in Danger

A recently published news article raised an alarming condition facing
the Armenian grape industry is facing. On November 16, 2009 the
chairman of the Union of the Armenian winemakers Avag Harutyunian,
Ph.D. had warned that if proper actions are not taken now, during the
next 5-6 year `Armenia would risk losing its vineyards’ to a past
called phylloxera.

This pest will result in a dramatic decline in yields in the vineyards
and cause enormous damage in vine industry in a very short period of
time to the detrimental of Armenia.

The spread of the phylloxera has infected thousand of acres of
vineyards worldwide, causing significant economic damage to their
industries. They include some of the world’s most famous wine
producing countries such as France, Italy, including California ‘s
Napa Valley .

Dr. Harutyunian stated that some $600 million are required to fight
the phylloxera infected vineyards in Armenia .

The situation is not hopeless. The Armenian Technology Group,
Inc. (ATG) a California based non-profit organization, had focused its
humanitarian efforts on a long term sustainable agricultural economic
development of Armenia . ATG had the foresight some 12 years ago to
establish a phylloxera resistant grape nursery in Armenia with
resistant rootstocks from California to graft this stock on old
indigenous grape varieties saving from complete destruction.

`The value of these resistant rootstocks varieties are recognized all
around the world’ said ATG Board member Nubar Tashjian, JD. `Our
representative Zlademir Zakiyan in NK did a great job of building a
strong foundation that could save the vine industry in Armenia .’

Since the establishment of the ATG phylloxera resistant grape nursery,
the number of acres planted with new vines in NK has increased from
2,913 acres to 6,653 acres.

In the past four years alone the nursery has generated over $500,000
reported financial resources that were re-circulated in domestic
economy. Additionally, numerous jobs have been created, and in one
instance supporting the entire village of Kheramort, including
hundreds of thousands for wages and salaries, not to mention many
thousand of dollars for local and state taxes.

`Grape growers in Armenia can take advantage of this wonderful
opportunity to obtain resistance rootstock and the experience that the
ATG Nursery has gained over the years.’ commented ATG Executive
Director Varoujan Der Simonian.

The benefits of the resistant products of the grape nursery are
available to all farmers, who should take advantage of this unique
opportunity to plant resistant stocks.

Grape growers can even take advantage of custom ordering in advance
their request of any specific type and quantity of domestic grape
varieties with grafted phylloxera resistant rootstocks from the ATG

Contact ATG at 559-224-1000 or via e-mail at [email protected] for
all inquires.

P. O. Box 5969
Fresno CA 93710Varoujan Der Simonian, Executive Director
Armenian Technology Group, Inc.
1300 East Shaw Ave., Suite 131
P.O.Box 5969
Fresno CA 93755-5969 US
1.559.224.1000 Fax 1.559.224.1002
[email protected]